hard materials such as sand and crushed stone used to make concrete

listen to the pronunciation of hard materials such as sand and crushed stone used to make concrete
Englisch - Englisch
hard materials such as sand and crushed stone used to make concrete


    hard ma·te·ri·als such as sand and crushed stone used to make con·crete

    Türkische aussprache

    härd mıtîriılz sʌç äz sänd ınd krʌşt stōn yuzd tı meyk kınkrit


    /ˈhärd məˈtərēəlz ˈsəʧ ˈaz ˈsand ənd ˈkrəsʜt ˈstōn ˈyo͞ozd tə ˈmāk kənˈkrēt/ /ˈhɑːrd məˈtɪriːəlz ˈsʌʧ ˈæz ˈsænd ənd ˈkrʌʃt ˈstoʊn ˈjuːzd tə ˈmeɪk kənˈkriːt/