To hinder from growing to the natural size; to prevent the growth of; to stint, to dwarf; as, to stunt a child; to stunt a plant
A stunt is any action that is later described as crazy by one or more people witnessing or hearing about it Such as "Holy cow, that's such a crazy stunt, I would never jump off of that!"
a difficult or unusual or dangerous feat; usually done to gain attention a creature (especially a whale) that has been prevented from attaining full growth perform a stunt or stunts check the growth or development of; "You will stunt your growth by building all these muscles
A check in growth; also, that which has been checked in growth; a stunted animal or thing
A stunt is something interesting that is done in order to attract attention and get publicity for the person or company responsible for it. In a bold promotional stunt for the movie, he smashed his car into a passing truck
when a person put a person into the air or on top of one another Any skill or feat involving mounting, a pyramid, or toss Usually does not refer to jumps or tumbling
A programming maneuver that moves a show from its usual time slot to a more advantageous slot or multiple time periods in order to boost ratings or introduce a new program It also refers to unusual or sensational programming designed to grab attention during sweeps periods See hammock and double pumping
{i} daring feat, exploit, act requiring great strength or skill; something that is done to attract attention
An unusual charge by the offensive linemen, sometimes in concert with the linebackers, in which they loop around each other during the charge instead of charging straight ahead
a creature (especially a whale) that has been prevented from attaining full growth