elli rakamı 50

listen to the pronunciation of elli rakamı 50
Türkisch - Englisch
A fifty-dollar bill

Do you want small bills or are fifties OK?.

The cardinal number occurring after forty-nine and before fifty-one
{a} five tens, ten taken five times
{s} being 50 in number
the cardinal number that is the product of ten and five being ten more than forty
{i} number 50
being ten more than forty
adj lima puluh (lima)
the cardinal number that is the product of ten and five
Chwa'Rilenglish | adronato
a United States bill worth 50 dollars
Five times ten; as, fifty men
2. When you talk about the fifties, you are referring to numbers between 50 and
A symbol representing fifty units, as 50, or l
The sum of five tens; fifty units or objects
The fifties is the decade between 1950 and 1959. He began performing in the early fifties
A fifty-second penalty assessed when a whitewater paddler misses a gate, moves a gate pole to allow passage, or goes through a gate in the wrong direction
If the temperature is in the fifties, the temperature is between 50 and 59 degrees. I probably look as if I'm in my fifties rather than my seventies
Fifty is the number
For example, if you are in your fifties, you are aged between 50 and
elli rakamı 50