(1) Overflow is switching equipment which operates when the traffic load exceeds the capacity of the regular equipment (2) Overflow is anything that exceeds the holding capacity of a unit (e g buffer)
(1) Switching equipment which operates when the traffic load exceeds the capacity of the regular equipment (2) Traffic which is handled on overflow equipment (3) Traffic which exceeds switching capacity and is lost (4) The carry digit in a digital computer (5) Intermediate message storage which serves as an extension of in-transit storage to preclude system saturation; an example, magnetic tape
A sum or difference that lies outside the normal range of the accumulator In 2s-complement representation, a carry into the sign-bit position, which results in an error For an 8-bit adder-subtracter, the true sum must lie between -128 and +127 to avoid overflow
Articles that are left behind due to insufficient space on a van, to be loaded on a second van for transportation and delivery
Insufficient space on the moving van may result in some of your belongings being left behind for the next truck headed to your area The items left behind for the next truck should be the least essential items If there is a possibility of not getting all of your goods on the truck be sure to leave the nonessentials for the last to load
The process of dialing additional bandwidth to accommodate peak traffic loads, and reducing the total bandwidth during times of reduced traffic loads
A condition in which a program tries to put more data in a memory area than the area can accommodate, resulting in an error message
An overflow is a hole or pipe through which liquid can flow out of a container when it gets too full
Portion of a shipment which cannot be loaded on one van or into a container due to lack of available space Another van(s) is assigned to load overflow portions
Water on the surface of a creek or lake Overflow is the result of ice getting too heavy, causing it to sink below the surface of the lake, or the ice freezing deep enough that water must flow on top to get through