DFS: A procedure that is registered with a token to be called automatically if the token is revoked The act of revoking a token is also referred to as a callback
This feature allows a user to dial in to a computer, type a log-on ID and password, whereupon the computer breaks the connection and automatically calls the user back
A security feature that lets a host disconnect a remote caller after a successful connection and then recall the remote computer, either for security verification or financial responsibility
A process for invoking a method or a desktop command, or for using the gadget library in an application; the means by which dialogs and gadgets respond to user input For example, when an administrator makes a selection with the mouse, some action is initiated from the user interface to an underlying object representing some system resource or component; that is, the user interface "calls back" to the object to invoke some method or series of methods
The object (or method) to be notified at completion of an asynchronous process Typically, when a client process requests something from an MIS, the request includes a pointer to the function to be invoked when the MIS is ready
A function which should be called when something happens This function is registered ahead of time The use of callbacks makes event-driven programming much more simple and robust
After the initial audition, the director or casting director will "call back" for additional - sometimes many - readings those actors who seem most promising Rules of the actors' unions require that actors be paid for callbacks exceeding a certain minimum number
An object of class CallBack stores a reference to an object and the name of a method implemented by that object When the CallBack object is sent the "invoke" message, it executes the named method in the object it has stored One use of CallBack objects is to handle GUI event processing For example, the Phonebook GUIController has an Add method for adding new records A CallBack to this method in GUIController is attached to the pushbutton object for Add, and whenever the pushbutton is clicked it invokes this CallBack
A user authentication scheme used by computers running dial-in services A user dials in to a computer and types a logon ID and password The computer breaks the connection and automatically calls the user back at a preauthorized number
An application-defined procedure that a widget invokes at some specified time Often the widget invokes a callback from an action routine when the widget receives an event of a given type Widgets that invoke callbacks have resources whose value is a list of callback procedures
The function to invoke when the watched property changes This parameter is a function object, not a function name as a string The form of callback is callback(prop, oldval, newval, userData)
Unscheduled irregular overtime worked at a time when the employee was not scheduled to work, or the employee had to return to the workplace from home Employees are entitled to a minimum of 2 hours overtime pay, or 2 hours compensatory time off, each time they are called to work