wake-up call

listen to the pronunciation of wake-up call
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف wake-up call في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

wake-up call
Birini nuyandırmak için bir başka birinin ya da bir uyandırma servisinin yaptığı telefon araması
wake-up call
1. A telephone call made at a prearranged time to wake someone up. 2. Something that alerts people to an unsatisfactory situation
wake-up call
Kişinin içinde bulunduğu durumun farkına varması için başına gelen uyarı
wake-up call
Uyandırma amaçlı yapılan telefon araması
wake up call
(deyim) yolunda gitmeyen bir şeyler olduğunu farkettirerek önlem alınmasını ya da mevcut durumda değişiklik yapılmasını sağlayacan olay

1999 İzmit depremi şehrin depreme uygun yapılara sahip olmadığını farkettiren olay oldu.

wake up call
Telefon ile uyandırma
wake up call
İnsanı bostan yere alarma geçiren durum
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف wake-up call في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

wake-up call
A telephone call to awaken someone at a certain time, especially one requested by the person while staying at a hotel

She requested a five a.m. wake-up call from the front desk.

wake-up call
An alert, reminder, or call to action caused by a dramatic event

The recent deaths should serve as a wake-up call to others at risk.

wake-up call
If you say that something is a wake-up call to a person or group of people, you mean that it will make them notice something and start to take action. The Ambassador said he hoped the statement would serve as a wake-up call to the government
wake-up call
A wake-up call is a telephone call that you can book through an operator or at a hotel to make sure that you wake up at a particular time
wake-up call
a telephone call that you request be made a specific time in order to wake you up at that time (especially in hotels); "she left a wake-up call for 7 a
wake-up call
" a warning to take action concerning something that was overlooked or neglected; "the bombing was a wake-up call to strengthene domestic security
wake-up call
a warning to take action concerning something that was overlooked or neglected; "the bombing was a wake-up call to strengthene domestic security"
wake-up call
a warning to take action concerning something that was overlooked or neglected; "the bombing was a wake-up call to strengthene domestic security
wake-up calls
plural form of wake-up call
wake up call
a telephone call made at a prearranged time to wake someone up
wake up call
something that alerts people to an unsatisfactory situation
wake up call
(deyim) an event that warns someone that they need to deal with an urgent or dangerous problem

1999 İzmit earthquake was a wake-up call to strengthen the city's buildings.

wake-up call


    علم أصول الكلمات

    [ 'wAk-"&p ] (adjective.) 1946. wake-up + call


    ... tell you how the wake up call came to me. ...
    ... illness because it's our wake up call. ...