to have a chance

listen to the pronunciation of to have a chance
الإنجليزية - التركية
şansı olmak
stand a chance
(of) -in şansı olmak: Does he stand a chance of winning? Kazanma şansı var mı?
have a chance
fırsat elde etmek
have a chance
imkan elde etmek
stand a chance
eline fırsat geçmek
stand a chance
şansı olmak
stand a chance
(deyim) stand a(fair/good/pooretc.) chance(of sth.) bir seyi (iyi,kotu vb.) yapmak veya basarmak ihtimali olmak
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
stand a chance
to have a chance

    التركية النطق

    tı häv ı çäns


    /tə ˈhav ə ˈʧans/ /tə ˈhæv ə ˈʧæns/


    ... but all of it won’t be about thinking.  But for the next few years, you have a chance ...
    ... If you have a chance to visit Taiwan, you will see a lot of ...