A packaging method, designed with economy in mind, which uses a cellophane overwrap It usually contains 25 or 50 cigars, traditionally without bands Bundles, oftentimes seconds of premium brands, are usually less expensive than boxed cigars
Two or more packages banded or tied together to form a single unit Periodicals are bundled and bundle breakage may be the cause of soaring Periodicals costs
Computer components are usually sold separately, but some suppliers package together the most popular combinations of hardware and software to make things easier for the buyer This is a bundle Similarly, a word processor often comes bundled with the basic computer
A directory in the file system that stores executable code and the software resources related to that code Applications, plug-ins, and frameworks are types of bundles Except for frameworks, bundles are file packages, presented by the Finder as a single file
Several data fields, all of which share the same domain, grouped together in one data structure
The grouping together of needles on a pine tree into a unified cluster, bound by a sheath (or fascicle) at the base, and attached at a single point to the twig Individual species of pine trees are known by the number of needles in a bundle; for example, White Pine has five, Loblolly Pine has three, and Scotch Pine has two
A package of shingles in which 3, 4 or 5 bundles may comprise a square, depending on coverage
To sell two products as one unit In computers, this usually means including crucial software such as an operating system, and possibly applications as well, in the purchase of computer hardware
To bundle software means to sell it together with a computer, or with other hardware or software, as part of a set. It's cheaper to buy software bundled with a PC than separately