Whiplash is a neck injury caused by the head suddenly moving forwards and then back again, for example in a car accident. His wife suffered whiplash and shock. a neck injury caused when your head moves forward and back again suddenly and violently, especially in a car accident
an injury to the neck (the cervical vertebrae) resulting from rapid acceleration or deceleration (as in an automobile accident)
A neck injury that occurs as the result of a sudden backward and forward whipping movement of the neck This sudden, forceful movement often stretches or sprains the ligaments and muscles which hold the spinal segments within a critical range of movement or position
A condition caused by sudden forwards/backwards direction changes, or rapid start and stops on a coaster Headrests are often added to prevent this injury from happening
The lash of a whip, - - usually made of thongs of leather, or of cords, braided or twisted