A factory that makes computer chips Also known as a "fab" (fabrication plant) It's the place where the people in the dust-proof "bunny suits" work, as seen in Intel's TV commercials Building and equipping a modern foundry can cost $1 billion to $2 billion
A wafer production and processing plant Usually used to denote a facility that is available on a contract basis to companies that do not have wafer fab capability of their own, or that wish to supplement their own capabilities
An establishment for producing castings in molten metal; the act or process of founding or casting metal, or the category of metal objects made by founding; castings
A foundry is a place where metal or glass is melted and formed into particular shapes. foundries a place where metals are melted and poured into moulds (=hollow shapes) to make parts for machines, tools etc
A facility that melts metals in special furnaces and pours the molten metal into molds to make products. Foundries are usually specified according to the type of metal dealt with, as iron foundry, brass foundry, etc