(isim) kapma

listen to the pronunciation of (isim) kapma
التركية - الإنجليزية
Present participle of catch
{a} seizing, apt to catch, infectious
—To trap a program exception See try/catch block
The action of the verb to catch
becoming infected; "catching cold is sometimes unavoidable"; "the contracting of a serious illness can be financially catastrophic"
Infectious; contagious
(baseball) playing the position of catcher on a baseball team
If an illness or a disease is catching, it is easily passed on or given to someone else. There are those who think eczema is catching. = infectious
becoming infected; "catching cold is sometimes unavoidable"; "the contracting of a serious illness can be financially catastrophic" (baseball) playing the position of catcher on a baseball team (of disease) capable of being transmitted by infection
boardwalk fishing hammerhead headache birds LARGE slob
The act of seizing or taking hold of
(of disease) capable of being transmitted by infection
{s} infectious, contagious (of a disease)
(baseball) playing the position of catcher on a baseball team (of disease) capable of being transmitted by infection
{i} snatching, grasping; trapping, ensnaring
the act of detecting something; catching sight of something