(fiil) oybirliği ile atmak

listen to the pronunciation of (fiil) oybirliği ile atmak
التركية - الإنجليزية
a black ball used to indicate such a negative vote

Regardless how many other people may have voted to approve a candidate for membership,a single blackball will reject the candidate.

a rejection, a vote against admitting someone
to vote against, especially in an exclusive organization

If you're not from a moneyed, well-connected family, you can count on getting blackballed from the fraternity.

A ball of black color, esp
the act of so rejecting someone
expel from a community or group
{f} vote against a new applicant for membership (in a club or organization)
vote against; refuse to endorse; refuse to assent; "The President vetoed the bill"
A composition for blacking shoes, boots, etc
To blacken leather, shoes, etc
also, one for taking impressions of engraved work
with blacking
to ostracize
To vote against, by putting a black ball into a ballot box; to reject or exclude, as by voting against with black balls; to ostracize
one used as a negative in voting; in this sense usually two words
If the members of a club blackball someone, they vote against that person being allowed to join their club. Members can blackball candidates in secret ballots. to vote against someone, especially so that they cannot join a club or social group (Because a black ball was used for voting against someone)
(fiil) oybirliği ile atmak