
listen to the pronunciation of warum
Almanca - Türkçe
{va'rum} neden, niçin

Neden yalan söyledin? - Warum hast du gelogen?

Babam neden mutfakta? - Warum ist Vati in der Küche?

warum nicht
neden olmasın?
warum gerade ich?
neden ben?
İngilizce - Türkçe

warum teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

niye, niçin: Why did you say that? Onu niçin söyledin?
{i} sebep

Onun istifa etmesi için bir sebep yok. - There is no reason why he should resign.

Böyle bir şeyi yapmaman için hiçbir sebep yok. - There is no reason why you shouldn't do such a thing.

(isim) sebep
İsim olarak kullanılan yancümlenin başında bulunur: I don't know why she said Why on earth did you do Onu niçin yaptın Allah aşkına?
ne için

Tom başka ne için oraya giderdi? - Why else would Tom go there?

bak sen!
why do
(Konuşma Dili) nasıl yani

Onu niye yapmadığını anlamaya çalışıyorum. - I'm trying to understand why you didn't do it.

Araban varken niye yürüyorsun? - Why do you walk when you have a car?


Niçin kimse benim cümlelerime katkıda bulunmuyor? - Why doesn't anybody translate my sentences?

Dün niçin sınıfta yoktun? - Why did you absent yourself from class yesterday?


Neden bankı kırmızıya boyadın? - Why did you paint the bench red?

Neden Japonya'ya geldin? - Why did you come to Japan?

Almanca - İngilizce

Why is life so full of suffering? - Warum ist das Leben so voll mit Leiden?

Why don't you come visit us? - Warum kommst du uns nicht besuchen?

why do
Warum ...?
How come ...?
Warum ausgerechnet/gerade ich?
Why me, of all people?
Warum dann diese Geheimniskrämerei?
Then why all the secrecy?
Warum das so ist, kann ich dir nicht sagen.
Why that is the case, I can't tell you
Warum die Sache unnötig komplizieren?
Why make things complicated when they don't have to be?
Warum einfach wenn es auch umständlich geht?
Why make it easy when you can make it difficult?
Warum fragst du ihn denn nicht, worüber er sich Sorgen macht?
So, why don't you ask him what his worries are?
Warum hast du das nicht gleich gesagt?
Why didn't you tell me that in the first place?
Warum hast du mir das verschwiegen?
Why didn't you tell me about this?
Warum ich?
Why me?
Warum ist die Banane krumm?
How long is a piece of string?
Warum ist ihr so daran gelegen, dass ich bleibe?
Why is she so anxious for me to stay?
Warum läutest du Sturm?
Why are you leaning on my doorbell?
Warum machst du um diesen winzigen Betrag so ein Trara?
Why are you quibbling about such a small amount of money?
Warum muss immer ich die ganze Arbeit machen?
Why am I always the one who has to do the work?
Warum muss immer ich die ganze Arbeit machen?
Why is it always me who has to do the work?
Warum nicht?
Why not?
Warum so eilig?
What's the hurry/rush?
Warum so kompliziert?
Why make it complicated?
Warum sollte ich die Schuld auf mich nehmen?
Why should I take the blame?
Warum sollten wir das Feld anderen überlassen?
Why would we want to defer to others?
Warum streitet ihr euch?
Why are you arguing with each other?
Warum triffst du dich mit ihr gerade dort?
Why do you meet her there, of all places?
Warum versuchst du's nicht mit seinem Bruder?
Why not take a chance on his brother?
Warum willst du das wissen?
Why do you want to know?
warum um alles in der Welt …
why on earth …
(jdn.) zur Frage führen, was/warum/wer etc. (Sache)
to beg the question of what/of why/as to who etc. (of a situation/action)
Da kannst du ihn auch gleich fragen, warum er gestern früher gegangen ist.
You can also ask him there and then why he went early yesterday
Darf ich fragen, warum?
May I ask why?
Das ist jetzt das Stichwort für mich, zu erklären, warum ich eigentlich hier bin
That's my cue to explain why I'm here
Er konnte sich nicht erklären, warum
He couldn't fathom why …
Es gibt noch einen weiteren Grund, warum man diesen wunderschönen Ort besuchen s
There is yet another reason to visit this delightful place
Es ist mir rätselhaft/schleierhaft, warum er das getan hat.
It is a (complete) mystery to me why he did it
Es ist mir schleierhaft, warum er sich so ein großes Auto gekauft hat.
Beats me why he bought such a big car
He, warum werde ich ignoriert?
What am I, chopped liver?
Ich frage mich warum?
I wonder why!
Ich frage mich warum?
I ask myself why?
Ich hab jetzt, glaube ich, gecheckt, warum.
I think I've sussed the reason for it
Ich kann mir keinen Grund vorstellen, warum man diese Initiative nicht unterstüt
I can't conceive of/imagine a reason for not supporting this initiative
Ich sehe keinen Grund, warum wir es nicht versuchen sollten.
I see no reason why we shouldn't try it
Ich verstehe nicht, warum er das tat.
I can't figure (out) why he did it
Sie haben Erklärungsbedarf, warum sie das getan haben.
They are in need of an explanation for why they have done this
Wer einen Grund vorbringen kann, warum dieses Paar nicht den Bund der Ehe eingeh
If any one knows reason why this couple should not wed, speak now, or forever hold your peace. (wedding phrase)
das Warum und Weshalb
the whys and wherefores
die Frage aufwerfen, ob/warum etc. (Sache)
to raise/prompt/beg the question of whether/why etc. (matter)
die Frage aufwerfen, was/warum/wer etc.
to beg the question of what/of why/as to who etc. (of a situation/action)
jdm. unerfindlich sein, warum/wie …
to be incomprehensive/inexplicable/unfathomable to somebody, why/how …
sich damit auseinandersetzen, warum
to tackle the problem of why
sich klarmachen, warum
to reason why