
listen to the pronunciation of Sohn
Almanca - Türkçe
[der] oğul
e {zon} r oğul

Oğlum Noel Baba'ya inanıyor. - Mein Sohn glaubt an den Weihnachtsmann.

Mary oğlundan güzel çiçekler aldı. - Mary bekam schöne Blumen von ihrem Sohn.

oğul verme
erkek evlat

Oğulların, huzursuz çocuklar. - Seine Söhne sind unruhige Kinder.

Oğullarına John adı verdiler. - Sie nannten ihren Sohn John.

der Sohn
der verlorene Sohn
(Kutsal Kitapta) müsrif çocuk
İngilizce - Türkçe

Sohn teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı


O, arazisini oğulları arasında dağıttı. - He distributed his land among his sons.

Tom oğullarını öldüren kaza için Mary'yi suçladı. - Tom blamed Mary for the accident that killed their son.

{i} çocuk

Tom oğluna çocukları yiyen bir canavar hakkındaki hikayeyi anlattı. - Tom told his son the story about a monster that ate children.

Bir çocuk bir şarkıdan daha çabuk ne öğrenir? - What will a child learn sooner than a song?

it oğlu it
Hay Allah
piç oğlu piç
Hazreti İsa
son of a gun it kırıntısı

Aptal oğlumun ne yaptığını biliyor musun? Şimdi bile o üniversiteden mezun olup iş bulmak yerine tüm zamanını pachinko oynayarak geçiriyor. - You know what my idiot son's doing? Even now he's graduated from university he spends all his time playing pachinko instead of getting a job.

Benim bir oğlum ve bir de kızım var. Oğlum New York'ta ve kızım da Londra'da. - I have a son and a daughter. My son is in New York, and my daughter is in London.


Oğlumuz savaşta öldü. - Our son died during the war.

Aptal oğlumun ne yaptığını biliyor musun? Şimdi bile o üniversiteden mezun olup iş bulmak yerine tüm zamanını pachinko oynayarak geçiriyor. - You know what my idiot son's doing? Even now he's graduated from university he spends all his time playing pachinko instead of getting a job.

{i} erkek evlât

Bir erkek evlat babasına itaat etmeli. - A son must obey his father.

Tom bana bir erkek evlat gibi. - Tom is like a son to me.

Almanca - İngilizce

Like father, like son. - Wie der Vater, so der Sohn.

He has a son of your age. - Er hat einen Sohn in deinem Alter.

son of

He is the son of a wealthy family. - Er ist der Sohn einer reichen Familie.

My grandson is the son of my son. - Mein Enkel ist der Sohn meines Sohnes.

Sohn Gottes
Son of God
'Dombey und Sohn' (von Dickens / Werktitel)
'Dealings with the Firm of Dombey and Son' (by Dickens / work title)
Du bist voll und ganz der Sohn deines Vaters.
You are your father's child through and through
Es ist in unserer Familie Tradition, dass der älteste Sohn den Hof übernimmt.
It is a tradition in our family for the first-born males to take over the farm
Fafner (Drache und Sohn eines Zwergs der altnordischen Mythology)
Fafner (dragon and a dwarf's son in Norse mythology)
Fafner (Drache und Sohn eines Zwergs der altnordischen Mythology)
Ihr Sohn erlitt das gleiche/ein ähnliches Schicksal.
Her son met the same/a similar fate
Meine Mutter will mich mit dem Sohn ihres Bürokollegen verkuppeln.
My mother wants to get me paired off/fix me up with the son of her office colleague
Paul hat mit dem Sohn der Familie schnell Freundschaft geschlossen.
Paul soon struck up a friendship with the son of the family
Pflicht als Sohn/Tochter
filial duty
Prinzling (Sohn eines mächtigen kommunistischen Parteifunktionärs in China)
princeling (son of a powerful Communist party official in China)
Sein Sohn verlor seine Ländereien wegen seiner Teilnahme an einem Aufstand an de
His son forfeited his lands to the king for taking part in a rebellion
Sie haben ein Kind, und zwar einen Sohn.
They have one child and that happens to be a son
Sie schenkte ihm einen Sohn.
She presented him with a son
Was ist dir, mein Sohn?
What ails you, my son?
Wie der Vater, so der Sohn.
Like father, like son
Wir haben unseren Sohn für Harvard vormerken lassen.
We put our son down for Harvard
als Sohn/Tochter
filial (relating to/befitting a son or daughter)
das Gleichnis vom verlorenen Sohn
the parable of the prodigal son
der verlorene Sohn
the prodigal daughter
der verlorene Sohn
the prodigal
der verlorene Sohn
the prodigal son
der verlorene Sohn (biblische Gestalt)
the prodigal son (Biblical figure)
durch den Sohn/die Tochter/die eigenen Kinder
ihr leiblicher Sohn
her own son
sich so verhalten, wie es sich für einen Sohn/eine Tochter gehört
to be filial
wie ein Sohn/eine Tochter
wie es für einen Sohn/eine Tochter typisch/angemessen ist
filial (relating to/befitting a son or daughter)